Why did 39-year-old star recently interrupt a nuptial ceremony?
Over the years, Triple H has been involved in some notorious yet funny segments in WWE. One such instance where The Game left everyone smiling at the cost of him getting worked up was when he was pranked by his wife, Stephanie McMahon.
On an episode of MTV Punk'd, Stephanie pranked Triple H into making the latter believe that he had shut the door in the face of a bride and ruined her wedding. The entire prank created a lot of chaos and was funny to watch. However, an AEW star recently re-created the same moment by interrupting a nuptial ceremony.
The AEW talent in question is Brian Cage. Based on the recent photos Cage uploaded, it can be seen that he interrupted a wedding and caused quite a bit of chaos in it. However, it was all meant in good humor. In fact, in the last photo uploaded by Cage, the wrestler can be seen celebrating with the bridegroom.
Check out Brian Cage interrupting a wedding in the post below:
In doing so, not only did Cage add a fun element to the wedding, but he also made it memorable for the groom and his bride, who will cherish this moment for years to come. This act by the AEW star also left fans in splits on social media.
Triple H once crashed the wedding of Stephanie McMahon
Back in the day, WWE developed a storyline in which Stephanie McMahon, the daughter of a billionaire, was in love with Test. The duo were also involved in a couple of backstage segments and led everyone to believe they were an ideal couple.
As each week passed, things between Test and Stephanie seemed to go smoothly, and the couple was supposed to get married on November 29th, 1999, on Monday Night RAW. While the couple, along with Stephanie's father Vince McMahon, were all set for the wedding, Stephanie was left in tears.
Just before she could exchange her vows with Test, the wedding was interrupted by Triple H. Upon his arrival, The Game played footage where it could be seen that he got married to Stephanie McMahon at a Drive-Thru in Las Vegas, which completely ruined Stephanie and Test's marriage.
Check out The Game interrupting Stephanie's wedding with Test in the video below:
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have been married in real life for the last 29 years
After being involved in a storyline together, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon fell in love with each other. The couple tied the knot on October 29th, 2003, and have been a power couple in wrestling ever since. From being involved in matches together to running the company, Triple H and Stephanie have accomplished a lot.
While dating the boss' daughter might have been a tough decision, it turned out to be great. Along with being an entertaining couple onscreen, the two are also a strong couple in real life.
Even when the two took a backseat from wrestling in the ring and started taking care of backstage business, they were very successful in doing so. While The Game still serves as CCO of the company, Stephanie has moved away from the business after resigning as the company's co-CEO earlier this year.
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