Who is Gabby Prescod from Summer House? Bravo newcomer has worked as a fashion editor for popular ma

Publish date: 2024-06-08

Summer House season 7 is all set to premiere on Bravo on Monday, February 13, at 9 pm ET. The series is bringing back 11 cast members so that they can “face all sorts of ups and downs in their relationships.” Three new cast members, including Gabby Prescod, will also join them on this exciting vacation, which is expected to be filled with fights and romances.

32-year-old Gabby Prescod is a fashion editor who is ready to date a partner "with a compatible astrological sign." In the latest season of Summer House, she will be joined by newcomers Chris Leoni and Samantha Feher.

Summer House newcomer Gabby Prescod has a podcast

Gabby Prescod is from Westchester. She graduated from Hartford's Trinity College in 2012, and earned an internship at Marie Amelie Sauve as a fashion student. She has since worked for W Magazine, CR Fashion Book, Interview Magazine, BDG, and Grazia USA as a fashion assistant and director.

She currently works as a fashion director for Blanc magazine. She also runs a podcast called Theprescodsisters with her older sister Daniele, who works as a Style Director for BET.

According to Bravo’s description, Gabby is "very close with her family and relied heavily on them after her ex-boyfriend cheated on her a few years back. Now, Gabby is single and ready to mingle.”

As of this article's writing, Gabby has 11.8K followers on Instagram. She also has a joint Instagram account with her sister, which has more than 5.4K followers.

More about Bravo's Summer House season 7

Summer House's IMDb synopsis reads:

"For years this group of friends has spent their weekends from Memorial Day through Labor Day in one of the most exclusive beach areas on the East Coast. These professionals may keep it together during the week, but as soon as they hit the beach on the weekend, they let loose in a big way that is exclusive to this high-end lifestyle."

Season 7 of the show will feature Amanda Batula, Ciara Miller, Carl Radke, Danielle Olivera, Kyle Cooke, Mya Allen, Paige DeSorbo, and Lindsay Hubbard. Andrea Denver and Kory Keefer are also joining the cast as friends.

Southern Charm star Craig Conover and Winter House’s Kory Keefer will make guest appearances this season. Kyle will celebrate his 40th birthday, wondering if he will be able to support a family in the future. He will also find himself at odds against his friend Carl for the first time ever. Amanda will deal with the stress of potentially not being able to have kids due to some health issues.

Carl will move in with Lindsay Hubbard and might even propose to her. He will also wonder about his future career at the Loverboy company. Olivera and Hubbard will get into a heated argument over the pace of the latter’s relationship with Carl. Other cast members will also question Lindsey about her fast-moving relationship, but she is ready to get married.

Mya Allen will start a cookie business called The Knead.

New episodes of Summer House will air on Bravo every Monday at 9 pm ET. Fans will also be able to stream the show on the Peacock app and the network's website.

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