Who are Najee Harris's parents, Curt and Tianna Harris? Meet Steelers RB's family
Najee Harris, now in his third season with the Pittsburgh Steelers, has emerged as one of the NFL's top-tier running backs. His journey to success has been nothing short of remarkable, as he faced adversity in the form of poverty, homelessness, and a father struggling with addiction during his childhood.
Undeterred by these challenges, Harris remained unwavering in his pursuit of football excellence. Upon graduating from Antioch High School, he garnered offers from nearly 25 colleges eager to have him as their star running back. Ultimately, he chose to don the jersey of the Alabama Crimson Tide.
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Let's learn more about Najee Harris and his family:
Who is Najee Harris' mother, Tianna Harris?
Tianna Harris' story is one of unwavering determination. She became a mother at a young age and, despite the challenges, left school to take care of her growing family. It wasn't an easy path, but she was determined to provide a better future for her children.
Tianna not only completed her education, but also earned a degree as a medical assistant from Phillip and Sala Burton Academy. This achievement was no small feat, especially for a single mother of five. She worked tirelessly, putting in long hours in her medical role to ensure her children had access to a good education and enough to eat.
Tianna faced even more challenges as she had to cope with the absence of Harris's father, Curt, who was battling addiction. She had to shoulder the responsibilities alone and endured domestic violence in her tumultuous journey.
The family frequently had to move due to their difficult circumstances, eventually settling in Antioch because of its more affordable rents, even though it wasn't always a safe place to live. They had to witness unsettling incidents, like a shooting scene near their doorstep.
When Harris left for Alabama to pursue his football career, Tianna, despite her desire to be with him, encouraged him to pursue his dreams wholeheartedly.
Today, as Najee Harris achieves remarkable milestones, Tianna looks back on her sacrifices with immense pride, knowing that her unwavering support played a pivotal role in her son's success.
Who is Najee Harris' father Curt?
Najee's father, Curt Harris, had a distant presence in Najee's life, often absent during his formative years due to struggles with drugs and alcohol. Attempts were made to bridge the gap, but the grip of addiction kept Curt on the outskirts of family life.
Curt's indifference extended to his wife and children, leading to a strained and troubled relationship with his wife, Tianna. Antioch High School worked tirelessly to secure a stable home for the family, aiming to offer Najee the best chance at success. Despite efforts, Curt couldn't hold onto a construction job arranged by the school's principal, Louie Rocha.
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Eventually, Curt severed ties with the family, seeking solace in his hometown of Seattle. Although he once pursued football at Grambling State University, his battle with addiction and desire for easy gains diverted him onto a troubled path.
How many siblings does Najee Harris have?
Najee Harris is the youngest of his four siblings. His three older brothers, Malachi, Curtis Harris Jr., and Fela, and his sister Jahmila Harris, form a close-knit family. Jahmila, the eldest, is a dedicated medical assistant at UCSF Medical Center, showcasing the family's commitment to the medical field.
Malachi, like his sister Jahmila, pursued studies in Nursing and Allied Health at Diablo Valley College, displaying a shared passion for healthcare. Curtis Jr. graduated from Pinole Valley High and continued his education at UCLA, exemplifying the family's dedication to academic excellence.
Fela, a graduate of Antioch High School, also followed in his brother's footsteps, attending UCLA to further his education.
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