What kind of car does Aaron Rodgers drive? All about Jets star's favorite vehicles

Publish date: 2024-06-20

Aaron Rodgers continues to be a name that comes up when discussing the most gifted quarterbacks of all time in the NFL. The New York Jets quarterback also has an intense passion for automobiles, which is why he has stocked his garage with some of the best contemporary models.

According to Auto Tech Portal, Rodgers owns 4 vehicles in total, several of which are powerful hitters.

In his career to date, Aaron Rodgers has only won one Super Bowl. He accomplished that in 2011 (Super Bowl 45) when he led the Green Bay Packers to a 31-25 victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. Rodgers gained the title of "Super Bowl MVP" and a brand-new Chevy Camaro as the award for that year's MVP. During the festivities, the automobile was given to him on the playing field.

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Later in 2011, Rodgers appeared in a Ford advertisement where he was seen making a throw to an F-150 that was traveling at a high pace. Since the ad was so well received, Ford opted to give him a special "Aaron Rodgers Signature F-150."

Additionally, offensive tackle David Bakhtiari, a teammate of Rodgers, once gave him an Aston Martin clone as a Christmas present. Rodgers received the golf cart, which Bakhtiari had decorated and tailored to resemble an Aston Martin Vanquish. According to reports, Rodgers loved this gift and frequently rides about in his "Aston Martin."

The Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero, the fourth vehicle in his collection, is arguably the most luxurious. The Exelero's seating is just as opulent as its outward appearance.

It has an interior with carbon-fiber material inlays and tailored upholstery. The automobile has a cutting-edge audio system, and all the seats are climate-controlled and ventilated. The Maybach Exelero is unquestionably the most costly vehicle in Aaron Rodgers' garage, with an estimated worth of about $8 million.

Aaron Rodgers has recently added a New Jersey mansion to his house collection

Aaron Rodgers has discovered the perfect spot to unwind as he begins his first season with the New York Jets.

According to the Daily Mail, the four-time NFL MVP winner bought a mansion in affluent Montclair, New Jersey. The end of June saw the $9.5 million purchase, but the buyer's true name was unknown at the time.

According to Forbes, despite having been initially advertised for $11 million, Rodgers ultimately paid $9.5 million for the house, thereby becoming the most costly one to sell in Essex County this year.

The residence has ten bathrooms and eight bedrooms. There are numerous luxurious amenities and beautiful views of the skyline of New York City. The master room has a walk-in closet and a private bathroom.

A three-car carriage, exquisite kitchen, private office, wine cellar, and media theater are all incorporated in the building. Most crucially, Rodgers' new team's home games are played in MetLife Stadium, which is only a 20-minute drive from the house.

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