UFC Jacksonville: This Chris Lee dude is on c*ack

Publish date: 2024-06-12

The UFC judges' decision in the featherweight bout between Jamall Emmers and Jack Jenkins at UFC on ABC 5 has ignited a firestorm of outrage on Twitter.

Jack Jenkins was declared the winner by a split decision, prompting fans to express their disbelief and frustration with the outcome.

Heading into the fight, Jenkins boasted an impressive eight-fight winning streak, setting the stage for an intense showdown with Emmers at the VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville. Jenkins showcased his aggression by consistently pressuring Emmers and employing a diverse range of kicks that found their mark.

On the other hand, Emmers utilized his height and reach advantage, showcasing explosive moments and effectively using long-range strikes to keep Jenkins at bay.

The second round unfolded as a closely contested affair, with Jenkins maintaining an edge in output and landing significant kicks. Although Emmers landed a solid right hand towards the end of the round, Jack Jenkins' unanswered kicks emphasized his advantage.

The fight took an intriguing turn in the third round when Emmers secured an early takedown. Despite his efforts, Emmers couldn't capitalize on the ground and the fight returned to the feet.

However, Jenkins managed to take control once again, executing a takedown of his own. The back-and-forth battle continued as Emmers reversed the position and landed on top. Emmers appeared to have the upper hand in the final round, but to the surprise of many, the judges ruled in favor of Jenkins.

The controversial decision quickly ignited a social media frenzy, with fans expressing their dissatisfaction. One Twitter user, referring to judge Christopher Lee, exclaimed,

"This Chris Lee dude is on crack."

Another fan suggested that the introduction of five judges could help prevent such glaring errors, stating:

"Time for 5 judges. No way 5 people can mess up that bad."

Check out fans react to the outcome of the match:

UFC Jacksonville: Jack Jenkins' professional record following recent win

Australian featherweight fighter Jack Jenkins added another impressive win to his professional record at UFC on ABC 5 in Jacksonville. With a hard-fought split decision victory over Jamall Emmers, Jenkins now boasts an impressive total of 12 wins and only 2 losses in his career.

The win over Emmers extends Jenkins' remarkable winning streak to nine consecutive victories.

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