"It's hard" - WWE's Dominik Mysterio breaks character to address relationship with real-life partner
WWE NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio recently opened up about his relationship with his real-life fiancée, Marie Juliette.
Dominik and Marie Juliette first met in Spanish class in high school. The couple have been together for nearly 12 years. Earlier this year, they announced their engagement. Over the past few months, Juliette has attended several WWE events, including WrestleMania 39, where she sat in the front row.
While chatting with Bakers Bantering, Dominik Mysterio broke character to address being on the road and how it affects his relationship with Marie Juliette.
"Man, it's honestly pretty hard doing, I guess, what we would call long distance because I'm in so many places, and it's (...) She was kinda prepared for it in a way because when I started training just to become a wrestler, I moved to Tampa for six months, and she was still in school, so she couldn't come with me."The NXT North American Champion added:
"And then I came home for about a month and a half and then moved to Canada for three months to go train there. And she was still in school, and we kinda honestly, we just kinda made it work somehow. I think it's because we've been with each other for so long and that, like we kinda, we enjoy each other. So, we definitely did make it work." [42:13 - 42:59]Check out five things you didn't know about WWE Superstar Dominik Mysterio's real-life bride-to-be Marie Juliette here.
WWE Superstar Dominik Mysterio and his fiancée will tie the knot soon
Dominik Mysterio and Marie Juliette have been engaged since January 2023. During his chat with Bakers Bantering, The Judgment Day member disclosed that they plan to tie the knot soon.
The NXT North American Champion added that he had agreed with his fiancée to attend their wedding with his mullet.
"[Does Marie like the mullet?] So, Marie is a weird case because she's, she's gonna hate me for saying this, but she's obsessed with me to where she's like, 'I don't care what you do.' She's like, 'I just love you.' And I'm like, 'Oh, I appreciate that.' I'm just like, 'But be honest with me.' I was like, 'Because we're getting married pretty soon, and like, I'm gonna have this mullet.' And she's like, 'I don't care.' She's like, 'Have the mullet.' And I was like, 'All right. Sick.' That's how I know she's a trooper."Potential clash between Buddy Matthews' "ex" and Rhea Ripley on WWE Monday Night RAW addressed by Dominik Mysterio. Check out the details here.
Please credit Bakers Bantering and give an H/T to Sportskeeda if you use the above transcription.
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