Interview with rapper, writer & music producer Jethro Sheeran
We caught up with writer, rapper and music producer Jethro Sheeran to have a chat about his career, future plans and what inspired him!
CM: Hello Jethro!
J: Hey, Thanks so much for having me.
CM: So you’re a rapper, music producer and writer! But for our readers who don’t know who you are, could you tell them a bit about yourself and your career?
J: My name is Jethro “ALONESTAR” Sheeran. I’m from Bristol, UK , I spend most my time in London recording as a music artist under the name ALONESTAR. I’m a writer / rapper and music producer, I perform all over the world.
CM: Performing all over the world sounds pretty cool! What style of music would you class yourself as?
J: I would class myself as Hip Hop / Trip-hop artist. I use a lot of live instruments. My music has been said to sound very film score like hypnotic sounds, darkly sensual. A cinematic fusion of hip-hop/trip-hop rhythm and soulful melodies. Having worked with massive attacks band the album has that “Bristol” sound to it, with mature cinematic vibes and deep vocals.
CM: When you were younger, did you have a musical influence who shaped the way that music was for you?
J: When I was younger my mother played a lot of Bob Dylan records, folk music and blues, I think that had a definite influence. I listened to a lot of Bob Marley, lots of 80’s music then later on in life I listened to a lot of American Electro and Hip Hop. Later it was Eminem, Royce the 5’9 , 2pac, Dr Dre etc. I’ve always loved all music and listen to everything.
CM: You’re a very talented musician, can you tell our readers a bit about your latest album, Cornerstone?
J: My latest album Cornerstone was a great success charting at number 3 at its highest point in the iTunes chart. It was quite different to my last releases, a lot darker and mature featuring some great singers and live musicians. I really dug deep into myself for this album and spent a lot of time on my writing. I’m very proud of it!
CM: After listening to your music (which I’m sure everyone is going to go and do!), they’re going to want to come and see you perform live! Do you have any gigs coming up?
J: Yes I have many gigs coming up, too many to mention on here but please keep in touch via my social media. I have some really exciting gigs and events coming up.
CM: You have had incredible success so far in your career, do you have a highlight?
J: My highlight so far was playing in Moscow, Russia to 90,000 in a stadium, it was pretty awesome! I love all my gigs, though. I feel at home in the studio or on stage.
CM: You’re a big role model and influence for quite a large amount of young people in today’s society. If you could give them one message/ piece of advice, what would you say to them?
J: Ah thank you that means a lot. My motto in life is Live hard, love strong. Many of my supporters have it tattooed on themselves which is such an honour. I love my followers and supporters, I really do. I connect with them as much and often as I can. It really does feel amazing, I’ve had some truly heartfelt emails and letters over the years saying my music has helped them through rough times, helped people with thoughts of suicide, Mothers who’s sons have died at war, native Americans, people from all over the world. It’s such an honour and that’s what I love about music, it reaches and touches so many people. It’s the best feeling in the world and that’s a big reason why I make music to help others.
CM: Finally, to all your fans reading this interview, do you have a message for them?
J: I would say always follow your dreams and be happy, don’t let anyone tell you anything different, that you can’t do the things you love to do, be yourself, love yourself. Live hard, love strong and help others. Spread good will, compassion as its the currency to true wealth, the best commodity in life is to give.
CM: Thank you for your time Jethro, we have loved chatting!
J: Thank you for a great interview.
Follow Jethro on Twitter here and keep up to date with him!