How to attend Broks funeral in God of War Ragnarok and obtain Funeral for a Friend trophy
Much like its sequel, God of War Ragnarok has a riveting narrative that provides an incredible cinematic experience. There are many high points in the narrative. However, there are also some emotional and rather heart-wrenching moments that one will experience as Kratos and Atreus explore Midgard.
One such moment in the storyline is Bork’s death, which occurs later on in the main narrative. After falling prey to Odin’s machinations, his death becomes a crucial moment in the game's plot.
What many players may not be aware of is that they can attend Brok’s funeral in the game. It’s not something that Kratos gets to experience as part of the narrative. However, players will be able to access it as part of one of the side quests known as Favors. Once you have attended it, you will obtain the “Funeral for a Friend” trophy.
Today's guide will specifically go over how you will be able to get to Brok’s Funeral in God of War Ragnarok.
You must start A Viking Funeral Favor to attend Brok’s funeral in God of War Ragnarok and obtain “Funeral for a Friend” trophy
To make your way to Brok’s Funeral in God of War Ragnarok, you will first be required to start the Favor called A Viking Funeral. To activate it and reach the funeral, you can follow the instructions given below:
- Make your way to Lunda’s, which is located in Svartalfheim. Here, you will be required to interact with her. She will mention that the other NPCs are meeting in Raeb’s Tavern, where they will be saying their farewells to Brok. Once the conversation is over, A Viking Funeral quest will be active.
- You will then need to use the Mystic Gateway and arrive at Nidavellir before making your way to Raeb’s Tavern. There, you will need to interact with Brok’s body, after which both Kratos and Mimir will say their goodbyes. After this, you will once again be required to meet the other NPCs at the Sverd Sands location.
- Once you have made your way out of the tavern, you should head to the location by reaching the Aurvangar Wetlands through the Mystic Gateways. You can even use the raft that was employed during the Quest for Tyr to reach the designated location for the funeral.
- Once you have made your way to the Sverd Sands, you will need to interact with Brok's body once more and trigger a cutscene that will show his final rites and funeral.
Once the cutscene is over, you will then have completed the Favor. This will automatically net you the “Funeral for a Friend” trophy, which is one of the rarer achievements in the game.
If you are a completionist looking to Platinum God of War Ragnarok, you must activate the A Viking Funeral Favor. You can then attend Brok’s final rites in the game in order to obtain the “Funeral for a Friend” trophy.
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