Did everyone know that Mila Kunis & Macaulay Culkin are dating?
So I’m feeling kind of dumb. Did everyone else know that Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis have been dating for six years? She was one of the stars of “That 70’s Show” and is currently great on “Family Guy.” And he’s of course the kid from “Home Alone” and nothing else really. Not that they’re super high-profile, but I thought I would have run into it while perusing People or something, but nothing. I can’t really explain it, but they seem like an odd couple. Culkin seems like he should be with someone more… weird. I don’t know. But apparently they’re a super laid-back, normal couple. So laid-back that they have interviews with prestigious “Parade” magazine. Yeah, the free one that comes with your Sunday paper.
“Put away your assumptions about Macaulay Culkin. The former child star’s girlfriend says he’s a homebody. Culkin, star of the 1990 comedy ‘Home Alone,’ has been dating actress Mila Kunis for nearly six years; Kunis, who co-starred on TV’s ‘That 70’s Show,’ says they make a low-key couple. ‘We enjoy each other’s company,’ the 24-year-old actress says in an interview on Parade.com. ‘We like to read books or play video games or watch TV or go to the movies. And he’s an amazing cook. He makes dinner every night.’
“‘He’s an amazing, simple guy, who is probably the most brilliant person I’ve ever met,’ Kunis gushes. ‘He’s so, so smart and so aware and so kind and so sweet. Unfortunately, that’s not what people want him to be, so they write stuff.’ Kunis says journalists misconstrue facts – or ‘just make stuff up’ – about their relationship. ‘At one point, they were like, `Seen shopping in Beverly Hills for engagement rings,'” she says. ‘We were in Japan working. What is wrong with these people?’”
[From the Associated Press]
Um, Mila Kunis, by “misconstrue” do you actually mean “completely ignore”? Because I would definitely agree with you there. I knew that thing a few years ago about Culkin getting busted for drug possession, but I assumed he’d died in jail or something by now. Maybe moved to North Dakota to just get away from it all. I did not think he was cooking dinners for a hot girl. And something tells me that even if everyone else really did know you two were dating, the paps still aren’t camping outside your home every evening. I’m guessing it’s just more that you wish they were. You two are going to have to do a lot more drugs for that day to come. I wish you the best of luck.
Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis are shown on 1/21/04 at the Motorola Lodge at Sundance in the header and on 8/25/06 at Culkin’s 26th birthday, below.