Alabama founding member's fortune explored as he's arrested on drug charges

Publish date: 2024-06-13

Founding member and bass player of the band Alabama, Teddy Gentry was recently arrested on September 12 on a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge. Other charges include possession of drug paraphernalia.

Records show that Gentry was taken into northeast Alabama’s Cherokee County Jail and released after 30 minutes. According to WHNT, he was taken to prison at 10:38 am and was released at 11:06 am. The bond amount remains unknown.

The band’s spokesman Don Murry Grubbs was aware of the matter but did not comment on it.

Teddy Gentry’s net worth explored

Teddy Gentry is mostly famous as the bass guitarist and background vocalist of the country band Alabama, which is one of the most successful bands of all time in country music.

According to CelebrityNetWorth, the 70-year-old’s net worth is estimated to be around $5 million. Although detailed information on his assets is not available, he has earned a lot from his career as a musician and singer throughout his career. His work with the band Alabama helped him accumulate a lot of wealth.

Teddy Gentry is the founding member of the band Alabama (Image via GeneHess14/Twitter)

The Fort Payne, Alabama native shifted to Lookout Mountain with his mother to reside with his grandfather, who was living in a wooden frame house on a 60-acre cotton farm. Following his graduation, Gentry had to work several jobs to pay his rent.

More about Teddy Gentry's life

Apart from playing with Alabama, he loves to spend time with his family and work at Bent Tree Farms. When he got his first check worth $61,000 from RCA Records in 1980, his wife Linda recommended he purchase his grandfather’s farm. However, his grandfather wanted Teddy to take over the farm.

Teddy Gentry developed an interest in the cattle business in 1981 and brought a farm that belonged to his great-grandfather. Speaking about the name of his farm, Teddy said that he heard the word Gentry when his son was rhyming several words and he said their last name – Gentry.

He revealed that the name of the farm was Bent Tree. The following day, one of his farmboys revealed that bent trees referred to the trees where Indians would bend over while they were small, tie them to the ground, and point them in the direction the tribe was moving. He continued:

“I contacted a lady at the Alabama Historical Society who told me there were bent trees along the top of Lookout Mountain and Little River Canyon where our farm is. When we found out this information, we decided to change the name of the farm to Bent Tree Farms.”

Teddy Gentry is the co-writer of several songs by Alabama that include How Do I Fall in love, Why Lady Why, Give Me One More Shot, Fallin’ Again, Sad Lookin’ Moon, and more. He was also elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in November 2005 along with his band members.

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